What we’re about

Taking the NSWNMA forward

Our core business must be in providing high standard industrial and legal protection and advice for members, but we also need to use our collective voice and take collective action where needed in order to improve the world of work for nurses and midwives.

 We are committed to building a more active membership with growing power:

  • we will work with members to understand the issues that they face, decide together what our actions will be and be accountable to our members for our progress

  • we will provide quality member education, develop leadership skills, and take strong action with the aim of giving members the confidence to use their voice and their professional power to win better lives at work

  • we will increase the participation of members in the decision making of the Association by creating effective networks that engage with our democratic structures 

  • we will help our members to network across their areas of interest whether that’s midwifery, nursing specialties, education, or management, or through areas that are important to our communities like action on closing the health gaps for indigenous communities, or action on climate change.

 Growing the NSWNMA and growing the active participation of members will be central to our leadership. This will give us the capacity to effect change on the issues that our members face every day.

 Because we are the largest union in NSW, we believe we also have an obligation to use our influence where broader societal issues intersect with the lives of our members.  We can do this by building well researched, informed and agreed positions, and then by campaigning using our collective power.